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Tips for Better Search Results lightbulb light light light

Be specific

  • Use nouns and unique words
  • Put the most important words first
  • Use multiple terms when possible

If you were interested in "bias in newspapers" you could search for any of the following:
newspapers bias slant censorship journalism

Use quotes around phrases so the search engine will search for the words as a phrase not as separate words To look for a term, rather than search the individual words in a term, use quotes around it:
"world health organization"
Use a plus sign + in front of a word or a phrase to require its search A word or a phrase preceded by a + must be present in all pages returned
+"absentee voting"    +"assisted suicide"

Use a minus sign - in front of a word to exclude its search

If you wanted pages on fusion but not cold fusion you can prevent "cold" from being searched:
-cold fusion  
Use lower case letters to find words that are either lower and upper case
japanese internment
"world war ii"
Module 5 - Using the Web Contents Module Choice Terms Help Exit